TheoRhēma (Jul 2021)

Activitatea pastorală în Biserica Adventistă de Ziua a Șaptea din secolul al 20-lea – studiu de caz: pastorul Luca Constantinescu

  • Dan Constantinescu

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 16, no. 1


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Starting from the exploration of the life and activity of Pastor Luca Constantinescu (1901–1987), through the broader approaches from the political, social, and religious environment of the interwar and communist period, this study aims to contribute to enriching the treasure of the history of the Adventist Church in Romania. For this reason, the work is part of family history, being based on documents, many of them novel, such as publications of the Adventist World Church in the electronic archive of the General Conference, documents from the archives of the Romanian Conference Union, documents of the Security archive, articles from the press of the time, photos, etc.
