Rev Rene (Jan 2017)

Being a mother and a nurse: issues about gender and overlapping social roles

  • Bruna Caroline Rodrigues,
  • Muriel Fernanda de Lima,
  • Bruno Maschio Neto,
  • Graziela Lopes de Oliveira,
  • Aurea Christina de Paula Corrêa,
  • Ieda Harumi Higarashi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 18, no. 1
pp. 91 – 98


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to describe the experiences of nursing mothers in the reconciliation of their social roles. Methods: this is a qualitative study with 10 nursing mothers. Participants were selected using the snowball method, and through semi-structured interviews. The data were analyzed by the content analysis. Results: the data found led to the configuration of three categories: Learning to be a mother, Reconciling the different social roles: being a mother, wife and professional, and The father as an active participant in raising children. Conclusion: although maternity is considered an important milestone in the life of the subjects, they highlighted the resumption of professional life as a condition for the achievement of self-esteem and better social interaction, even with the emergence of difficulties such as return to work, absence in their families and the configuration of a support network.