Acta Iuris Stetinensis (Jan 2017)

Wykluczenie członka ze spółdzielni w orzecznictwie sądowym

  • Tomasz Dąbrowski

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 20


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The paper entitled Excluding the member from co-operative membership in judicial practice, consists of the following parts: introduction; reasons for excluding the member from co-operative membership; proceedings to exclude the member from cooperative membership; appealing against the resolution on excluding the member from co-operative membership and a summary. In the introduction the author writes about the essence of being a co-operative member and the issues determining acceptance of a person as a co-operative member. In the next part the author analyses the structure of Article 24 § 2 of the Co-operatives Law referring to the situation resulting in the exclusion of the member from co-operative membership. The following part of the paper deals with the issue of entities entitled to make a resolution on excluding the member from co-operative membership. The third part entitled Appealing to the general meeting against the supervisory board resolution, contains information about a possibility of appealing against the resolution on excluding the member from co-operative membership. The author gives the conditions (of the appeal) which must be met by the person appealing. The following part is devoted to the appeal to the court against the resolution on excluding the member. In summary the author describes possibilities of terminating the membership and defines them in detail. He also defines which bodies are entitled to pass an appropriate resolution.
