Perspectives Interdisciplinaires sur le Travail et la Santé (May 2011)
La fatigue du patron pêcheur dans l’activité de chalutiers pélagiques : approche d’anthropologie cognitive
We analyzed the dynamics of the fatigue processes through the activity of pelagic trawlers captains.We focussed on perceived fatigue from a psychological point of view. The data were collected in natural situation. Our methodology combined direct observation with non-directive interviews.The work rhythms aboard trawlers (phases of work and rest alternation) are the main cause of the captain’s fatigue. The short periods of rest do not authorize a sufficient recovery. Thus, we note a fatigue accumulation throughout the trawling season. In addition, the recovery is restricted by the sleep disorders observed during the embarkations. The analysis of the trawler captain’s activity reveals workload, causing stress, as well as risk-taking in a diminished vigilance context.