Grafía (Jul 2015)
La relación entre biotecnología y progreso como “valores indiscutidos”. Sus implicancias éticas y políticas
Ethics, as praxis, must create spaces for coexistence that allow us to discover what is the characteristic of the domination spaces we live in, as well as to create others where individuals and peoples can live their destiny in a free way. This paper states that in Latin America, given that it is a source of ambivalence when thinking about values, biotechnology ends up being an ally of the dominant powers. This characteristic is specially analyzed in the use of genetic engineering for seed transformation, showing that, even though it can be considered as a valuable result of science, on the other hand it is hazardous not only in regards to conservancy of life in all its diversity, but also in economic, social, cultural, anthropological, and even, medical respects. The final aim of the paper is to stimulate a reflection about the myth of progress associated to the growth of biotechnology, and to state the need to establish ethical limits to it.