Boletim de Pesquisa NELIC (May 2020)
Interpassivity and anonymity: the case of the pasquinades in La Mala Hora
In this paper, it is intended to discuss about the aesthetic function and thematic of the pasquinades (anonymous letters) present in the narrative composition of La mala hora (1962), novel written by Gabriel García Márquez. For this, it will be accomplished an approximation between literature and psychoanalysis, by means of the ideas introduced by Slavoj Zizek, in the chapter II, into its book How to read Lacan (2010). By linking Zizek's reflections on the Greek chorus (theatrical artifice) and cyberspace (virtual artifice) with the pasquinades (literary artifice), one aims to ascertain what these vehicles - as a space of representation - have in common and thus understanding the effects of meaning of the pasquinades in the narrative.