Journal of Applied Research in Water and Wastewater (Aug 2023)
Gradual pumping through filtration sleeves: An approach for extracting narrow contaminant enclaves in groundwater
Low-energy extraction wells fitted with filtration sleeves were numerically modeled to assess their capability to extract narrow contaminant plumes in a hypothetical unconfined aquifer beneath a lined landfill. After 2,000 days, the source was shut off and remediation simulations commenced. A sleeved submersible pump extracting 0.4 m3/day in a well near the downgradient edge of the plume, coupled with an upgradient well injecting the same rate, effectively contained and removed the plume. Adding non-pumped filtration wells upgradient of the extraction well marginally improved containment and remediation timeframe. At some sites, low-energy, sleeved extraction wells may be useful for extracting narrow plumes emerging from contemporary landfills.