Epizootic features of the manifestation of clostridiosis and means of specific prophylaxis of animals in Ltd n.a. Volovikova Hoshchansk districk, Rivne region
According to the results of experimental and practical analysis it was determined that clostridia has an optional type of parasitism. Pathogens of clostridiosis can be stored in an abiotic environment. Under certain conditions, they multiply in soil, while reducing their virulent properties and restoring them in the process of passage through the body of susceptible animals (bones), while maintaining high virulent properties. It has been established that the epizootic process in clostridiosis is a functionally parasitic system in which the parasite populations and susceptible animals (host) interact and are provided with mechanisms for the transition of clostridia from biotic to abiotic objects (the source of the pathogen of infection, which is the cattle) , calves, animal corpses, and soils) into a new facility where it changes its virulent properties and ensures the continuity of its operation. In order to specifically prevent infectious diseases of animals caused by pathogens of clostridial etiology, such as: infectious anaerobic dysentery, emphysematous carbuncle of cattle, infectious anaerobic enterotoxemia, hemorrhagic enteritis, enterotoxemia and tetanus in sub-calves, sheep, goats, lambs and goats, necrotic hepatitis Toxipra plus a vaccine that, after administration, induced the formation of an active immune response in animals before clostridios 21 days after a double intramuscular injection ovoho vaccine, immunity lasted for 12 months. To protect the organism of animals from spore-forming bacteria – clostridia, animals were subcutaneously administered an inactivated multiclus vaccine in a dose of 5.0 ml. Previously unvaccinated animals were immunized twice at intervals of 3–4 weeks. Revaccination of animals was carried out annually with one dose of the vaccine every 12 months. To ensure a satisfactory level of immune protection of the bivalve organism from clostridios, an inactivated, polyvalent Coglavax vaccine was used in compliance with the aseptic and antiseptic rules. In adult animals, the immunity was formed 2–3 weeks after re-vaccination and stored for 10–12 months. In the young, obtained from cows alone, vaccinated 2 weeks before the calf, colostrum immunity is maintained for up to 8 weeks. An Inactivated Vaccine Van Shot Ultra 8 vaccine was used to create immune protection of cattle from clostridios and pasteurellosis. Formation of immunity occurs 3 weeks after a two-time vaccination, which lasts for at least 12 months. In order to effectively predict the planning of general and special anti-echelmonial measures in animals, it is necessary to create a cadastre of dysfunctional points for diseases caused by clostridia, and to formulate strategies for the active immunization of susceptible animals.