Розвиток методів управління та господарювання на транспорті (Sep 2021)
Resort resources of the country as the main component of the system of tourist local history
The resort is a narrowly specialized territorial entity with a relatively high concentration of relevant specialization functions (balneological, climatotherapeutic and others). The relative territorial homogeneity of resort resources contributes to the formation of areal forms - resort areas, districts and resort areas. That is, the elements that are formed by the subjects-producers of the producer's market, depending on the level of territorial specialization and concentration of tourist activity, can be divided into tourist-excursion and resort. That is, territorial structures are markets of supply of different hierarchical level, complexity and specialization, to which consumer flows are directed and which provide the process of consumption of tourist goods and a certain set of tourist services. The key elements of the territorial structure of the tourist market are the nodes (resorts). Thus, the geospatial structure of the market of tourist services is formed by both sides of the market - the consumer market, forming demand, localizes it in the elements of settlement systems, based on which the demand market is formed and to which the intermediary enterprises to specialization, is localized both in the elements of settlement systems, tending to the centers of concentration of demand, as well as in the territorial structures of different order and specialization, on the basis of which the supply market is formed. Therefore, the article singles out the main scientists who studied resort activities. Also, the article defines the purpose - the characteristics of resort resources as an important component of tourist science. After the study of the outlined problem, conclusions were made based on the objectives. It is determined that the market of tourist services is a system of multifaceted, poly-structural, poly-form and multi-level system, which operates according to the law of balancing supply and demand, which reproduces the objectively determined need for compliance in time and space. commodity supply, and operates on the basis of fluctuations in production and consumption of tourism products. And resorts in turn are an important element of the tourist market.