Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management (Apr 2023)

An Analysis of the Cost Benefits of Establishing a Regional Maintenance Center for Health Services

  • Ririn Widyowati supangat,
  • Ratna Dwi Wulandari

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 18, no. 1


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Objective : The limitations of the Health Office in managing medical equipment management programs are compared to hospitals, as are the efficiency of the resources needed by the Regional Maintenance Center in assisting the Health Office to carry out the program. So an analysis is needed to see what the resulting costs and benefits are. Method: The research is accompanied by observations and observations of documents related to medical device maintenance and calibration analysis using cost-benefit analysis. The study was carried out in 2021 at the Pasuruan District Health Office in East Java Province, Indonesia. Results : After doing research, it was found that in the financial aspect, when viewed from the NPV, the IRR value is found to be 2.34%, the BCR is greater than one, which is 6.95%, and the PI is 8.5. The health facility maintenance unit is feasible to establish and develop in terms of both financial and effectiveness. Conclusion : Various regulations were issued by the Ministry of Health to manage the management of health equipment. The Regional Maintenance Center is believed to be able to run well if all parties support it, starting with regional leaders, then support from human resources, financial resources, officer competence, infrastructure, and management information systems. so that health services can be available in both quantity and quality.
