Sučasnì Informacìjnì Tehnologìï u Sferì Bezpeki ta Oboroni (Sep 2020)
The rapid development, mass production, adoption and the growing number of facts of combat use in hostilities and conflicts of modern high-tech weapons systems and robotic systems (complexes) require a number of measures to create an effective system to counter them. In particular, the development of strategies and concepts, theories and tactics of countering robotic technical complexes, rethinking the canons of operational art and tactics of existing air defense in the context of combating robotic technical complexes, developing requirements for modernization and development of systems (complexes) to combat them, research, research and development work on the creation of means and systems (complexes) of counteraction to robotic complexes, organization of training of qualified specialists in their operation and combat use, scientific and pedagogical staff, etc. Given that robotic systems are special-purpose cyber physical systems and their control systems are classical cybernetic systems, priority is given to approaches to creating a single framework for combating robotic systems (those types and classes that cannot or ineffectively deal with existing means) and systems for their implementation, consisting of management bodies and appropriately equipped units, which are armed with systems (complexes) of armaments and military equipment with specific software and hardware and complexes to solve these problems. The article presents the results: analysis of the effectiveness of the use of existing weapons systems to combat small unmanned aerial vehicles of unmanned aerial complexes; vulnerability analysis of components of robotic complexes; analysis of development trends in the world's leading countries of systems (complexes) to combat robotic systems (for example, unmanned aerial vehicles of unmanned aerial complexes) in the context of the possibility and feasibility of implementing their experience in Ukraine; development of basic theoretical provisions for the formation of cyber counteraction systems for robotic technical complexes as cyber physical systems