Armaghane Danesh Bimonthly Journal (Nov 2014)
The effect of short term TPP supplementation on aerobic and anaerobic power in girl soccer players
Abstract : Background & aim: Vitamin BI(thiamine) plays an important role as a coenzyme in energy metabolism and in the maintenance of nerve cell function. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of short – term supplementation of thiamin pyrophosphate on the aerobic and anaerobic power in girl soccer players. Methods: The study was carried out as a double – blind cross-over clinical test. The statistical society of this research included young girl football players of Neiriz city, who regularly took part in sport activities and training. Among them, 16 people were randomly chosen to participate as samples in the execution of this project. For the initial evaluation of variables under study, two days prior to the supplementation period, the subjects, before being put in the supplemented and placebo groups underwent Bruce and Rest test. At first the Rest test was carried of and the Bruce test followed two hours later. After being assigned to supplement and placebo groups, the subjects took thiamine and placebo for a week. Twice daily, they received 100 mg. Of thiamine supplementation or placebo (at 8 am. And 4 pm.). In order to study the changes and analysis of the data, the one – way variance analysis test with repeated measurement was applied. A significant level was set of less than 0/05. Results: A significant increase in the amount of maximal oxygen intake(47/65 ± 2/70 ) and the travelled distance and time till(16/21 ± 0/68) the end of the activity was observed in the supplemented group(P<0/016). Mean peak aerobic power, anaerobic power and fatigue index group (s) to supplement the 75/02 ± 490/95, 86/41 ± 385/48, 12/05 ± 29/64 respectively and compared to the between the peak and the average anaerobic power, fatigue index and between the groups. Conclusion: Thiamine supplementation, Could lead to further decomposition of pyruvate, Aerobic activity increases cellular metabolism and the Krebs cycle routes, Resulting in increased oxygen consumption is.