Ostium (Jun 2015)
LA LECTURE DE MERLEAU-PONTY PAR RENAUD BARBARAS (The reading of Merleau-Ponty by Renaud Barbaras)
Barbaras underscores the role of linguistics in the late philosophy of Merleau-Ponty. Analogically to words of a language also that perceived by senses relates to the whole of which it is a part: the perceived opens in every single case new dimension in relation to which all subsequent experience is perceived. Merleau-Ponty not only rejects autonomisation of Husserl’s essences but also demonstrates that the identity of ideas inscribed in the perceptible requires articulation of the visible with that visibility of the “invisible” which is the sayable. And because the origin of an expression in the world is linked to the other, it is precisely the other that corroborates first initiation in the invisible as such. Each perception is opened not only to other perceptions but also to every possible perception which means also to the perceptions of others. The perceptible and the intelligible need to be conceived as two organized sets both of which are separated but also have their equivalent in what they are not.