Journal of Investigative Medicine High Impact Case Reports (May 2020)
Platypnea Orthodeoxia Syndrome Secondary to Intracardiac Shunt Following Orthotopic Liver Transplantation
Platypnea orthodeoxia syndrome (POS) occurs when an upright position results in acute-onset hypoxemia and is relieved with recumbency. POS can be due to intracardiac shunting, intrapulmonary shunting, ventilation-perfusion mismatch, or a combination of these. We report a case of POS that developed 3 days post liver transplantation as a result of new-onset right to left shunting across a patent foramen ovale. Right heart catheterization revealed a posteriorly directed inferior vena cava likely due to altered inferior vena cava—right atrial junction anatomy as a result of liver transplantation. The patient underwent successful transcatheter patent foramen ovale closure with a 25-mm Gore Cardioform septal occluder device with immediate and sustained improvement in hypoxia.