Renal Failure (Oct 2018)
Measurement of daily sodium excretion in patients with chronic kidney disease; special reference to the difference between the amount measured from 24 h collected urine sample and the estimated amount from a spot urine
It is important to grasp a patient’s daily sodium intake in the management of chronic kidney disease, as sodium intake is widely recommended at 6 g/day or less. There are multiple equations widely known for estimating the daily sodium excretion from a spot urine sample, but these are aimed at healthy people. There are few reports that validate equations in patients with chronic kidney disease. The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether the amount of measured daily sodium excretion from a sample collected for 24-h urine (24HU) is equal to that of using an equation from a spot urine sample (SU) in patients with chronic kidney disease. One hundred sixty-two patients with chronic kidney disease from Kanagawa Prefecture Shiomidai Hospital, Japan and the Jikei University Kashiwa Hospital, Japan participated in the study. Daily sodium excretion was measured from 24HU and compared with it from SU by using the formula according to Tanaka et al. Sodium excretion by 24HU was 2744 mg/day and estimating daily sodium excretion from SU was 3315 mg/day. The coefficient of determination was 0.17 (p < .001) in multivariate regression analysis. The coefficient of determination was extremely low. Thus, there is a considerable difference between the amount of sodium excretion calculated from a 24HU and that from a SU in patients with chronic kidney disease.