Stylistyka (Jun 2021)
Некой каракшерисшики на jазичниош израз во Библщаша (врз йримери од македонскиош jазик)
The subject of the paper is the religious style and its’ characteristics, through some examples from the Macedonian translation of the New Testament (especially the four Gospels), the text which bares the main characteristics of the religious style. We can define the religious style as a sacred functionally stylistic complex, separating it from the texts we come across in the colloquial style, in the literature, and in the church administration terminology, which are connected with religion. This paper’s object is to establish the means the Macedonian translators of the Bible use in order to convey the characteristics of the religious style, and those of the Bible. We analyze the way that Jesus Christ is presented and the way people address him, the vocabulary as a characteristic of the religious style, the use of some archaic language forms, the word order and the frequent use of conjunctions. The comparative analysis of the Bible, translated in different languages through a analysis of the religious styles in each of them can give some interesting results in regard to the different stylistic opportunities that each language gives to the translator.