Жанры речи (Aug 2021)

Structural and pragmatic aspects of the speech genre “treating to a meal”

  • Zadorina, Maria Viktorovna

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 31, no. 3
pp. 190 – 197


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The article deals with the colloquial speech genre of “home” communication “treating to a meal”. The relevance of this research is determined by the general interest of modern linguistics to colloquial speech and genre studies. The research is based on the analysis of spoken discourse fragments recorded in natural conditions (most of the fragments were collected by the method of participant observation). The author makes the following conclusions about the genre “treating to a meal”: the genre is used during the meals while receiving guests (the addressor is a host, the addressee – a guest, or guests) and during the meal of people living together (the addresser is often the one who does the cooking, the addressee – other household members); the genre has some gender peculiarities; “treating to a meal” is partially an etiquette genre, since its super-goal is to maintain contact and it is prompted by the role of the host or hostess in the house and by the situation of “eating together”. The author also focuses on the use of syntactic constructions. The basis of the sentences used in this genre are event propositions of physical action in the form of a structural scheme N4Vf.
