Politeja (Feb 2015)

The Application of Language as a Tool for Ethnopolitics in Europe – Selected Remarks

  • Wawrzyniec Konrad Konarski

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 12, no. 8 (31/2)


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The revitalisation of ethnicity as a concept associated with politics has been a meaningful social fact since the early 1960s. This process began at that time in Western Europe. In Central and Eastern Europe the increase of the power of ethnicity had a dramatic effect towards the end of the twentieth century. An important part in this revitalisation is played by the language policy which has a huge influence on the socio‑political stabilisation of many entities. Its success, both from the point of view of the interests of the state and of the group distinguished through language, depends on the legal and political culture of both these parties. The initiative should, however, be on the part of the state. In turn, the actions of the authorities negating the importance of language – often the main identity factor of a minority group – foster an uncontrolled growth of the ethnos. This may lead to the increase of ethnically motivated separatism destabilising both separate states and whole regions. Thus, the issue of language is used in ethnopolitics as a starting point either for obtaining political and legal results or for maintaining the ones already achieved. In either case the evaluation of these activities depends on the expectations of the involved parties. Generally it is possible to distinguish three ways of perceiving language as a factor – applied by politicians and ideologically biased intellectuals – influencing the existing political, legal and cultural order. Namely, language may be considered: 1) a recognized threat; 2) an approved means of support; or 3) a postulated opportunity for a beneficial change and its continuity.
