Dini Araştırmalar (Dec 2018)

The Crisis of Madrasa Graduates: A Search for Identity in the Pakistani Society

  • Farid Bın Masood,
  • Umair Ali Khan

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 21, no. 54 (15-12-2018)
pp. 27 – 38


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Madrasah had remained the traditional institution of education in the Muslim history and remained functional in the pre-British era in the sub-continent. Historically, there had been no distinction between the religious and secular education in the madrasahs, but after thearrivalof British imperialism which led to the subjugation and oppression of existing institutions which alsoaffectedthe Madrasah curriculum leading to agradualdecay in Madrasah to play any role in the society. This existential crisis faced by the madrasah—both as an institution and by its graduates—was expected to end with the inception of Pakistan with the support of religious Ulema and the Muslim masses however the adaptation of the modern education system in Pakistan only added more to the existing problem. The current research employed a survey method to explore the professions graduates from madrasahs are adapting in order to play a contributing role for the welfare of the state and society. Results are indicative that a large number of graduates are forced to take up petty professions whose pay is even less than the minimum wage criteria set by the state of Pakistan and the world bank. Analysis of the data indicated that these professionsinclude: madrasah teachers, imams, clerks at madrasahs, writers in low-rated newspapers, smallshopkeepers. A large number of graduates join voluntary missionary organizations and religious political parties. Research alsoshowsthat few of the graduates indulge in militant organizations.