Revista Cubana de Ciencias Forestales (Dec 2014)
Growth of Acacia retinodes Schltdl. in substrates based on sawdust of pine and treated with copper containers
In forest nurseries production of plant quality involves the selection of suitable substrates and chemical roots pruning with substances applied to the container wall to prevent malformation of roots. Acacia retinodes is a species of rapid growth that often presents problems of spiraling roots inside the container, thereby reducing their survival in field. In this study we assessed the effects of three substrates based on sawdust of pine and chemical pruning with polybags treated with copper carbonate (CuCO3) to 12%, the growth in the nursery of A. retinodes. In the substrates 1 (67% sawdust and 33% forest soil) and 2 (67% sawdust and 33% vermicompost) morphological parameters: dry weight of stem, dry weight of roots, overall height and diameter at the base of stem were higher than the substrate used as control. The chemical pruning improved the morphology of the roots of seedlings. The substrate-containers interaction had a significant effect on the response in cases treated with copper carbonate, higher than those of untreated containers. The use of substrates based on pine sawdust and chemical pruning polybags treated with copper carbonate was two cultural practices in the nursery which helped improve the quality of plant A. retinodes.