Hermeneus (Jan 2019)
Control y valorde las tareas de aprendizaje: dos cosas que es bueno saber sobre la motivación de los estudiantes de traducción. Control and value of learning activities: Two Things Everyone Should Know About Translation Students’ Motivation
The idea of puttingstudentsat the center of alleducational effortshas entered translation studies discourse and one of its fundamental aims has bee to get to know students (of translation) betterithas been based on the idea of better knowing the students. Aliterature reviewand the results ofan empiricalstudy basedon translationinternship reports suggestthat students’ perceptions about who controls learning outcomes and about the value of learning activities contribute to loss of self-confidence. According tothe principles of social-cognitive theory (Bandura,1977), self-confidence is the basisof motivation.This theoretical article describes twoaspects of motivationthat are essential forstudent-centeredapproaches: the control students canexert over learning activities and the value theyattributetosuch activities.