Brazilian Journal of Oceanography (Jan 1985)

Ecological studies in the bay of Paranaguá: I. horizontal distribution and seasonal dynamics of the phytoplankton

  • Frederico P Brandini

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 33, no. 2
pp. 139 – 147


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Five stations were sampled monthly in the Bay of Paranaguá during one year cycle (1983-1984) to measure basic environmental parameters, phytoplankton biomass and photosynthesis with the purpose of understanding the principal factors that regulate the phytoplankton growth and distribution throughout the year. Surface temperature varied from 17 to 30ºC. The yearly average values for salinity, dissolved oxygen and pH ranged from 9.38 to 32.00‰, 5.17 to 5.53 ml/l and 7.46 to 8.18, respectively. Average concentrations of total inorganic nitrogen, phosphate and silicate varied from 3.31 to 8.48, 0.38 to 0.97 and 27.68 to 98.36 µg-at/l, respectively, with increasing concentrations toward the inner bay. Chlorophyll-a at the surface varied between 2.86 and 13.99 mg/m³ with high concentrations in the inner bay associated with high nutrient contents and lower salinities. Low photosynthetic rates were measured at the surface, varying from 0.01 to 7.36 mgC/m³/h. Phytoflagellates and Skeletonema costatum dominated the phytoplankton population during the study period. The temporal fluctuations in the inner bay are associated with the rainfall regime. High amounts of precipitation increase the concentrations of nutrients and consequently improve the phytoplankton growth. This is however limited by nitrogen deficiency (as indicated by the low N to P ratios observed) and turbidity.Foram feitas coletas mensais na Baia de Paranaguá (Paraná) em 5 estações fixas durante um ano (1983-1984) para se medir parâmetros ambientais básicos, biomassa e fotossíntese do fitoplâncton durante um período sazonal. A temperatura na superfície variou de 17 a 30ºC. As médias anuais de salinidade, oxigênio dissolvido e pH variaram de 9,38-32,00‰, 5,17-5,53 ml/l e 7,468,18, respectivamente. As concentrações médias do nitrogênio inorgânico total, fosfato e silicato variaram de 3,31-8,48, 0,38-0,97 e 27,68-98,36 µg-at/l, respectivamente, com os máximos obtidos na parte mais interna da baia. A clorofila-a na superfície variou entre 2,86 e 13,99 mg/m³ com máximos na parte mais interna da baía associadas às altas concentrações de nutrientes e salinidades mais baixas. As taxas de fotossíntese obtidas na superfície variaram entre 0,01 e 7,36 mgC/m³/h, com máximos na região mais interna da baía. Fitoflagelados e Skeletonema costatum dominaram a populaçao fitoplanctonica durante o período estudado. As variações temporais no interior da baía foram associadas ao regime de chuvas. A alta pluviosidade aumenta a concentração de nutrientes e conseqüentemente, estimula o desenvolvimento do fitoplâncton que é, no entanto, limitado pela deficiência em nitrogênio e pela turbidez da água.
