Развитие образования (Mar 2023)
On the motivation of prospective students to go to university college of the Siberian State Industrial University
Among school graduates, an increased result in secondary vocational education and a decrease in interest in higher education became noticeable. This article discusses options for obtaining vocational education after graduation, puts forward hypotheses that explain the increased interest in obtaining secondary vocational education, in particular, the problem of increased fear of the unified state exam among applicants and their parents and their desire to «get around» it is studied. The article indicates the increased interest in the system of continuous education in general and in the city of Novokuznetsk in particular. To confirm the hypotheses put forward, a study was conducted in which 167 first-year students of the University College of the Siberian State Industrial University took part. The students were asked about their motives for entering the University College after the 9th grade, and about the reasons for entering the University College of the Siberian State Industrial University specifically. After analyzing the results, it was concluded that the hypotheses put forward were confirmed, and the main reason for the refusal of high school students to continue their studies at school in grades 10–11 in favor of obtaining a secondary vocational education was determined. The article notes that every year the number of those wishing to receive a secondary education at the Siberian State Industrial University will grow, therefore, the number of specialties and places for study should be expanded.