Studie z Aplikované Lingvistiky (Dec 2017)

Vnitřní monology a vnitřní dialogy, ich-forma, du-forma a er-forma (ve vztahu k teorii subjektů a perspektivizačních center Aleny Macurové) : Internal Monologues and Internal Dialogues, Ich-forms, Du-forms and Er-forms (in the Relation to the Theory of Subjects and Perspective Centres of Alena Macurová)

  • Jana Hoffmannová

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 8, no. 1
pp. 21 – 31


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The study is based on Czech (and not only Czech) theories of reported speech in literary works, mainly on the studies of L. Doležel, but on other authors as well (J. Haller, J. Hoffmannová, R. Adam, D. Hodrová, J. Koten and others). These theories are applied in an analysis of texts by some contemporary Czech authors (mainly Petra Soukupová and Jan Němec). Special attention is devoted to the internal monologue (the “reproduction” of unspoken utterances which only occur as thoughts), and to the alternation of direct speech/thought, indirect speech/thought, free direct speech/thought and free indirect speech/thought. In the novels by P. Soukupová and J. Němec, we demonstrate differing ways of subjectivizing the narrative: the narrator’s identification with the characters, the use of ich-forms, various forms of reported speech and thoughts (including hypothetical utterances) and the dialogized construction of internal monologues. In the novel by J. Němec, we give attention particularly to the use of “du-form” (as the constant representation of the narrator).
