Distances et Médiations des Savoirs (Jun 2020)
Les enjeux de l’hybridation pour l’apprentissage coactif
Collaborative work, content curation or personal information management, collaborative digital watch, such practices have been invested in coactive, problem-oriented learning experiences with master's students in information and communication. We are trying to understand how the sharing of digital resources between learners and teachers and the involvement of students in enriching teaching can help to improve learners' digital skills and develop their critical thinking skills in problem-based learning, and more generally in coactive learning, in a hybrid environment. We also question the benefits of using innovative digital platforms from the academic world, compared to more generalized ones, which are now criticized for the non-transparent nature of their algorithms, as well as for the perverse effects of their economic models. The social and omnipresent dimensions that emerge from these learning experiences and that combine digital – augmented and reinvented – spaces also make us consider teaching in a different way. Thus, as an actor in these platforms, the learner participates in the co-construction of knowledge, particularly through the use of mobile and connected devices.