Медицинский совет (Mar 2021)
Community-acquired pneumonia in children in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. What has changed?
During COVID-19 pandemic the issue of diagnosis and rational therapy of community-acquired pneumonia in children became acute. This is caused by difficulties in verification of the diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia in the outpatient department, peculiarities of interpretation of the respiratory system lesions. The article presents clinical cases of communityacquired pneumonia in children admitted to the pulmonology department of a pediatric hospital.Clinical case 1. 5-year-old child, medical history: acutely fell ill, on 28.11.20, had a sore throat and fever up to 39.0 C. Received Kagocel, Miramistin, Nurofen. PCR for COVID-19 on 08.12.20 was positive, on 18.12.2020, 22.12.2020, 20.01.2021 - negative. Immunoassay (ELISA) on 12.23.20: IgM - 4.47, IgG - 255.25. Lung and pleural cavity ultrasound: echo signs of sharply pronounced interstitial syndrome, massive fibrinothorax on both sides, indirect signs of bronchopleural fistulas; lung radiography: bilateral polysegmental pneumonia, bilateral hydrothorax, bilateral fibrinothorax, with no marked progression; CT scan with IV contrast: CT picture of hydrothorax on the left, hydropneumothorax on the right, pleurisy on both sides, compression atelectasis of lower lobe segments of both lungs. With no marked progression. Treatment. Thoracentesis; antibiotic therapy, antimycotics, infusion therapy, immunotherapy, partial parenteral nutrition. Against the background of the therapy, positive dynamics was obtained. Clinical examples are also given: an 8-year-old child with suspected new coronavirus infection and a 5-year-old child with bilateral polysegmental pneumonia.