Тваринництво та технології харчових продуктів (Feb 2020)
. Farm animals are characterized by a high degree of herd organizaƟon. The process of group formaƟon causes a strong stress response in the animal due to the need to establish a certain ranking order in the group. The more oŌen groups are regrouped and completed, the more intense and prolonged the stress reacƟons, the more pronounced are their negaƟve effects, which are manifested in a decrease in growth energy, an increase in morbidity, etc. They respond especially strongly to the regrouping of highly producƟve animals. The aim was to study the characterisƟcs of growth rate, metabolism, faƩening and meat characterisƟcs of young pigs with different stress sensiƟvity in different condiƟons of their rearing. The studies were conducted in the LLC «Tavriysky svyiny» in Skadovsk, Kherson region. According to the purpose of research at the end of the suckling period, the degree of stress sensiƟvity was determined in piglets according to the method of V.O. Ivanov et al. The young, whose swollen spot size varied within 1.1-, was assigned to stress-resistant, stress-prone and stress-doubƞul. 1.5; 2.1-2.5 and 1.6-2.0 cm. AŌer selecƟon, three groups of young animals were formed (I - stress-resistant; II - stress-sensiƟve; III - mixed (50 % - stress-resistant; 50% - stress-sensiƟve)), in each of 40 animals, the pedigree of the experimental pigs was the same (¼W×¼L×½P). The studies were conducted using convenƟonal methods. The implementaƟon of a system of technological measures for the separate rearing of young pigs with varying sensiƟvity is an important reserve to increase the producƟon of pork, its nutriƟonal value and consumer properƟes. Stress-sensiƟve young animals, which were raised in the absence of compeƟƟon for life with stressed animals reached a live weight of 100 kg 2.8 days earlier, had a higher gain of 25.7 g (P > 0,999), at lower feed costs – by 1.7 %. In these animals, the meat content of the carcass is 63.2 %, which is 0.1 % more than the stress-sensiƟve ones that were grown together with the stress-resistant ones and 0.98 % (P > 0.95) lower than the stress-resistant index, which were contained in the first group. Meat has a higher nutriƟonal value and nutriƟonal properƟes than stress-sensiƟve ones, which were grown with stress-resistant animals, but somewhat lower than those of stress-tolerant animals. Separate rearing pigs with varying sensiƟvity affects the carbohydrate-lipid metabolism in the body. In animals of group III (50 % -stress-resistant; 50 % -stress-sensiƟve) glucose levels tend to decrease compared to stress-sensiƟve ones, which were grown separately and stress-resistant by 16.5 and 30.3 % (P > 0.95). Intensive use to provide increased levels of metabolic processes and the development of the stage of stress resistance, as well as the depleƟon of glycogen deposited stocks. Given the relaƟvely low glucose level with the high triacylglycerols, it can be assumed that the animals in the experimental groups were characterized by intense energy exchange. The results obtained determine the prospects for further research.