Aquatic Sciences and Engineering (Apr 2021)
The changes in Alkaline, Neutral and Acid Protease Activities of ArtemiaEnriched with Commercial Emulsion and Different Additive Combinations
Thebiochemicalcompositionsandthechangesobservedinalkaline,neutralandacidproteaseactivities of Artemia enriched with commercial emulsion and different additive combinations were determined. Artemia nauplii (ArtN), GroBiotic-A (GA), Red Algamac (RA), Red Algamac:GroBiot-ic-A(50:50)(RA:GA(50:50)),Spirulina(SP),Spirulina:RedAlgamac(50:50)(SP:RA(50:50)),Spiruli-na:GroBiotic-A (50:50) (SP:GA (50:50)) and Spirulina:Red Algamac:GroBiotic-A (33:33:33) (SP:RA:GA (33:33:33)) were tested in the study. The lowest and highest protein contents after the enrichment of Artemia were 40.74±1.02% (RA) and 55.03±1.26% (SP:RA:GA (33:33:33)), respectively. The lowest lipidcontentsoftestedgroupswerefoundin5.63±0.47%(GA)and5.63±0.84%(RA:GA(50:50)).The highest lipid value after the enrichment were observed in 16.98±1.15 % (RA). The lowest and highest ash values observed after the enrichment were 4.51±0.27% (SP:GA (50:50)) and 6.07±0.35% (RA) (p lt;0.05). The lowest and highest protease activities of the pH=3, pH=4, pH=5, pH=6, pH=7 and pH=8.5 values were 18.18±0.37 U/mg protein (GA), 31.04±0.38 U/mg protein (RA), 9.1±0.32 U/mgprotein(SP),9.66±0.19U/mgprotein(SP),16.94±0.61U/mgprotein(SP),63.09±0.75U/mgprotein(SP)and33.77±0.59U/mgprotein(RA:GA(50:50)),57,54±0.34U/mgprotein(RA:GA(50:50)), 23.75±0.28 U/mg protein (GA), 40.82±0.49 U/mg protein (GA), 69.94±0.65 U/mg protein (GA), and 286.14±8.2 U/mg protein (GA) (p lt;0.05). In conclusion, GA and SP:RA:GA (33:33:33) en-richment combinations are recommended as an alternative to enrichment products. On the other hand,SPandRAshouldnotbeusedaloneduetothedisadvantagessuchasthebiochemicalcomposition and proteolytic enzyme activities of Artemia observed in the present study.