Medisur (Nov 2005)

Congenital lumbar hernia associated to lumbar costovertebral syndrome. A case report.

  • Zoe Quintero Delgado,
  • Guillermo Cortiza Orbe,
  • Yusimy Izaguirre Martínez

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 3, no. 3
pp. 68 – 70


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Reported the case of a born patient of color of white skin, 6 years old, of pregnancy and normal childbirth that it was valued in the Service of Surgery of the Pediatric Hospital ¨Paquito González Cueto¨ because it presented increase of volume in both lumbar regions, without another associate sintomatology. Congenital bilateral lumbar hernia associated to syndrome lumbocostovertebral, strange affection in the pediatric age.
