Вестник Мининского университета (Sep 2017)
29-31 October 2015 at the faculty of Humanities was held V international conference «Nizhniy Novgorod text of Russian literature». Comprising the conference - the anniversary meeting of the Russian and foreign researchers who since 2007 working on a serious scientific problem, definition of the cultural and literary code of the Nizhny Novgorod land. This year the scientific issues of the conference was supported by the RGNF grant (supervisor - prof. V.T. Zakharovа; performers prof. E.M. Dziuba, Assoc. A.V. Erastovа, Assoc. A.L. Latukhina). This conference is the fifth in a row and is a kind of interim results of the scientific research team of Russian and foreign scientists working in line with the methodology of the cultural-historical, literary-historical and theoretical and literary understanding of the problem of the text to identify a system of stable formulas and codes semiotic saturated art space, forming an idea of the role and significance of Nizhny Novgorod and wider, the Nizhny Novgorod land, the development of national literary process (from ancient times to its current state), as well as in the formation of axiological vectors of Russian literature in general. The organizing Committee of the conference were introduced leading scientists from Russian and European universities-partners, which are in constant interaction with the research team of the Nizhniy Novgorod text and share methodological and value orientation of the research project «Nizhny Novgorod Text of Russian Literature»: Professor I. Myanovska (Bydgoszcz, Poland) Professor G.L. Nefagina (Slupsk, Poland), Professor L.K. Olyander (Lutsk, Ukraine), Professor E. G. Chernyshovа (Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow, Russia). To participate in the activities of the conference leading specialists in the field of literature and linguistics, whose research revealed the most significant characteristics of the Nizhny Novgorod Text: prof. I.E.Esaulov (Moscow), S.V.Sheshunova (Dubna), E.V.Nikolaeva (Moscow), N.P.Zhilina (Kaliningrad), dr. Monica Sidor (Lublin, Poland) and others. The publication of the V International Conference «Nizhny Novgorod Text of Russian Literature», which includes articles of scientists from Moscow, Kaluga, Kaliningrad, Saransk Arzamas, Nizhny Novgorod, Perm and other cities of Russia, as well as from Poland (Kielce, Lublin, Slupsk) and Ukraine (Lutsk). Brought in the collection and the work of teachers, researchers of muziems. Mnogogranny cultural phenomenon, as is the text of the Nizhny Novgorod Russian literature, conceptualized as a developing ontological category. The volume is addressed to employees of universities, teachers of literature, graduate students, students and anyone interested in the problems of the national artistic heritage.