Вестник Самарского университета: История, педагогика, филология (Nov 2021)
«If a screw falls, then another will be screwed» (Review of the book: Memory from the flame of Afghanistan: Interviews with the internationalist soldiers of the Afghan war of 1979–1989. Book 4. Kyrgyzstan. Edited by Elmira Nogoibayeva and Eleri Bitikchi. The methodology of Marlene Laruel, Botagoz Rakisheva, Gulden Ashkenova was used. Bishkek, 2021, 252 p.)
The book Memory from the flame of Afghanistan: Interviews with the internationalist soldiers of the Afghan war of 19791989. Book 4. Kyrgyzstan is being reviewed as part of an international scientific project to study the historical memory of Soviet soldiers participants of the Afghan campaign. Presenting to the historian and the reader a complex of 21 in-depth interviews with participants, the book is analyzed from the point of view of its scientific and socio-political potential in the context of preserving historical memory about this war.