Digital Health (Feb 2025)

Sleep as a window of cardiometabolic health: The potential of digital sleep and circadian biomarkers

  • Willem J van den Brink,
  • Johanneke E Oosterman,
  • Dagmar J Smid,
  • Herman J de Vries,
  • Douwe E Atsma,
  • Sebastiaan Overeem,
  • Suzan Wopereis

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 11


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Digital biomarkers are quantifiable and objective indicators of a person's physiological function, behavioral state or treatment response, that can be captured using connected sensor technologies such as wearable devices and mobile apps. We envision that continuous and 24-h monitoring of the underlying physiological and behavioral processes through digital biomarkers can enhance early diagnostics, disease management, and self-care of cardiometabolic diseases. Cardiometabolic diseases, which include a combination of cardiovascular and metabolic disorders, represent an emerging global health threat. The prevention potential of cardiometabolic diseases is around 80%, indicating a promising role for interventions in the lifestyle and/or the environmental context. Disruption of sleep and circadian rhythms are increasingly recognized as risk factors for cardiometabolic disease. Digital biomarkers can be used to measure around the clock, that is, day and night, to quantify not only sleep patterns but also diurnal fluctuations of certain biomarkers and processes. In this way, digital biomarkers can support the delivery of optimal timed medical care. Night-time cardiometabolic patterns, such as blood pressure dipping, are predictive of cardiometabolic health outcomes. In addition, the sleep period provides an opportunity for digital cardiometabolic health monitoring with relatively low influence of artifacts, such as physical activity and eating. Digital biomarkers that utilize sleep as a window of health can be used during daily life to enable early diagnosis of cardiometabolic diseases, facilitate remote patient monitoring, and support self-management in people with cardiometabolic diseases. This review describes the influence of sleep and circadian rhythms on cardiometabolic disease and highlights the state-of-the-art sleep and circadian digital biomarkers which could be of benefit in the prevention of cardiometabolic disease.