Revista Electronica Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado (Aug 2008)

How do future teachers perceive the Organizational Culture of secondary schools? The case of CAP students at the UAB

  • Marina Tomàs i Folch,
  • Antoni Mas Faz,
  • Galvarino Jofre Araya

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 11, no. 2
pp. 47 – 59


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This papers presents the results of a first study on the pedagogical culture of teachers-to-be. This research stems from a previous study on the organizational culture of four Secondary Schools in the province of Barcelona. The raised objectives are:- To find out about the pedagogical culture of the students who attend the CAP (Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude).- To compare the pedagogical culture of currently active teachers with that of teachers-to-be.- To anticipate the necessary training actions to adjust the culture of future teachers to the challenges that Secondary Education has raised.In the study we have collected information using a questionnaire adapted from the one used “to identify the organizational culture of Secondary Schools”. This instrument was administered to a sample of students attending the CAP at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona during the last training sessions.
