Revista Electronica Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado (Aug 2008)
How do future teachers perceive the Organizational Culture of secondary schools? The case of CAP students at the UAB
This papers presents the results of a first study on the pedagogical culture of teachers-to-be. This research stems from a previous study on the organizational culture of four Secondary Schools in the province of Barcelona. The raised objectives are:- To find out about the pedagogical culture of the students who attend the CAP (Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude).- To compare the pedagogical culture of currently active teachers with that of teachers-to-be.- To anticipate the necessary training actions to adjust the culture of future teachers to the challenges that Secondary Education has raised.In the study we have collected information using a questionnaire adapted from the one used “to identify the organizational culture of Secondary Schools”. This instrument was administered to a sample of students attending the CAP at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona during the last training sessions.