Revista de Políticas Públicas (Jan 2016)

CARTOGRAFIA SOCIAL NA REGIÃO ECOLÓGICA DO BABAÇU: estratégias de quebradeiras de coco e processos sociais atinentes aos babaçuais

  • Jurandir Santos de Novaes,
  • Helciane de Fátima Abreu Araujo


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It is intended to reflect on strategies of resistance constituted by babassu coconut breakers that have ensured its existence against different agents in situations of blocking and restriction of access. Evidence of the presence of coconut breakers and, at the same time, deforestation are treated, but also the coexistence of denser or more rarefied babassu areas and their disposal due to the agents of action related to the livestock and the industry. It emphasizes the relationship of women with the State through compensatory policies. Such reflections are required as part of ongoing research, that emphasizes the representation of babassu coconut breakers women in the situations mentioned.
