La Bretagne Linguistique (Oct 2018)

Le breton maritime à Plouhinec (Morbihan)

  • Serge Le Bozec

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 22
pp. 155 – 175


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In Brittany, the linguistic geography concerns the interior more than the coast. There is relatively little information on Breton maritime vocabulary. This paper presents some vocabulary and phonological features of Upper Vannetais Breton from the Plouhinec coastline (Morbihan). Brasseur’s ALCAM (Atlas Linguistique des Côtes de l’Atlantique et de la Manche) questionnaire and Le Berre’s Traité d'ichthyonymie bretonne served as guides for the participant interviews in this local survey. It was conducted as part of a project to integrate the data into a GIS (Geographic Information System) covering the Brittany coastline and extending as far as the European Atlantic seaboard in order to compare the variation in denominations and to assess an ancient Atlantic continuity.
