BMC Genomic Data (Aug 2023)
A novel SNP in NKX1-2 gene is associated with carcass traits in Dezhou donkey
Abstract Background At present, donkey meat in the market shows an imbalance between supply and demand, and there is an urgent need to cultivate a meat-type Dezhou donkey breed. On the one hand, it can improve the imbalance in the market, and on the other hand, it can promote the rapid development of the donkey industry. This study aimed to reveal significant genetic variation in the NK1 homeobox 2 gene (NKX1-2) of Dezhou donkeys and investigate the association between genotype and body size in Dezhou donkeys. Results In this study, a SNP (g.54704925 A > G) was identified at the exon4 by high-depth resequencing of the Dezhou donkey NKX1-2 gene. The AA genotype is the dominant genotype. The g.54704925 A > G site was significantly associated with body length, thoracic girth, and hide weight (P G locus could be used as a marker locus for selection and breeding.