Слобожанський науково-спортивний вісник (Apr 2015)

Finite system optimization sports equipment movements

  • Oleksandr Aghyppo,
  • Nikolay Balonin,
  • Valeriy Druz,
  • Viktor Suzdal

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 46, no. 2
pp. 11 – 18


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Purpose: to provide mathematical theory coordinated with physical experiments, and gave the general orientation in the optimization technique of movements in sport. Material and Methods: theory of systems, matrix theory, Internet resources and mathematical environment MATLAB. Results: for simple dynamic blocks – first order inertial block, integrator and double integrator shown that the input signal in the form of the Eigen-function a maximum gain in amplitude when it passes through the block and the quadratic norm of the output signal is determined by the maximum Hankel singular value. Conclusions: proposed to use a mathematical theory of finite time systems in the optimization techniques of movement in sport. The numerical experiments have shown the existence for linear dynamic systems of real Eigen-functions – does not distort the system inputs are considered in reverse time.
