Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity (Dec 2020)
A new species of the genus Portulaca L. (Portulacaceae) from the Eastern Ghats, India
Portulaca laljii (Portulacaceae), a new species from the Eastern Ghats (Prakasam District, Andhra Pradesh), India, is described and illustrated along with conservation status. Perennial prostrate-decumbent much branched herb with tuberous fleshy roots, glabrous, stem without scaly bark, nodal axils without hairs, lanate nature of narrowly lanceolate, flat leaves, glabrous, leaf axis without hairs, solitary, bracteate flowers with very short pedicel and 2–3 bracteoles, petals with emarginate, sometimes mucronate apex, pistil with trifid style, prolate-shaped capsule, bilobular to subglobular, conspicuously beaked seeds without golden luster and with slightly elongated seed testa distinguishes it from all previously known species. A key to the species of Portulaca from India is also provided.