Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer (Dec 2022)

Perancangan Pengalaman Pengguna Portal Job Fair Sarjana Sakti dengan Pendekatan Human-Centered Design

  • Annisah Amalia,
  • Herman Tolle,
  • Ratih Kartika Dewi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 9, no. 7


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Job fair merupakan kegiatan yang mempertemukan pencari lowongan kerja dengan perusahaan penyedia lowongan kerja pada suatu tempat dan bertujuan untuk mengurangi angka pengangguran pada suatu wilayah. Job fair yang semula diadakan secara luring kini ditiadakan untuk mengurangi dampak penyebaran virus Covid-19. Akibatnya, angka pengangguran di Indonesia menjadi 8,75 juta pada bulan Februari 2021, dimana angka tersebut meningkat 26,26% dari angka pengangguran pada bulan Februari 2020. Untuk menindaklanjuti permasalahan tersebut, Laboratorium Teknologi Media, Game dan Mobile, Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Brawijaya berkolaborasi dengan PT. Indogetjob International Solution menciptakan solusi dengan membangun aplikasi mobile portal job fair Sarjana Sakti. Aplikasi tersebut dilengkapi dengan asesmen soft skills sebagaimana HRD perusahaan melakukan proses rekrutmen. Aplikasi ini dirancang dengan menggunakan pendekatan Human-Centered Design (HCD) karena memiliki strategi desain yang iterative untuk mendapatkan hasil yang diharapkan. Pada tahap evaluasi desain solusi dilakukan dengan melakukan pengujian usability dan user experience kepada 10 partisipan. Hasil pengujian usability pada aspek effectiveness 97,8125%, aspek efficiency 0,079 goals/second dan pada aspek satisfaction 88,25 yang masuk dalam grade A+, kategori acceptable dan termasuk adjective best imaginable. Hasil pengujian User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) pada skala attractiveness 2.63, skala perspicuity 2.60, skala efficiency 2.75, skala dependability 2.43, skala stimulation 2.68 dan skala novelty 2.45. Abstract Job fair is an activity that brings job seekers with companies that provide job vacancies in one place together and aims to reduce unemployment in certain areas. Job fair, which is an offline event, has been canceled to reduce the spread of COVID-19 virus. Therefore, the unemployment rate in Indonesia will reach 8.75 million in February 2021, which is an increase of 26.26% from the unemployment rate in February 2020. To overcome this problem, Media, Game and Mobile Technology (MGM) Laboratory, Faculty of Computer Science, Brawijaya University collaborates with PT. Indogetjob International Solution to develop a job fair portal mobile application called Sarjana Sakti. This application is equipped with a soft skill assessment as the company’s HRD recruits. The Human-Centered Design approach method is used in designing this application. This application was designed using the Human-Centered Design approach because it has an iterative design strategy to get the expected results. At the solution design evaluation stage, usability and user experience tests were carried out on 10 participants. The result of usability testing on the aspect of effectiveness is 97.8125%, efficiency aspect is 0.079 goals/second, and on the satisfaction aspect is 88.25 which is included in A+ grade, acceptable category and includes the best imaginable adjective. The results of user experience testing with UEQ on an attractiveness scale of 2.63, a perspicuity scale of 2.60, an efficiency scale of 2.75, a dependability scale of 2.43, a stimulation scale of 2.68, and a novelty scale of 2.45.