Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem ()

Creation and validation of a serial album for the prevention of Pressure Ulcer: a methodological study

  • Natália Ângela Oliveira Fontenele,
  • Maria Aline Moreira Ximenes,
  • Maria Girlane Sousa Albuquerque Brandão,
  • Cristina da Silva Fernandes,
  • Nelson Miguel Galindo Neto,
  • Rhanna Emanuela Fontenele Lima de Carvalho,
  • Lívia Moreira Barros



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ABSTRACT Objectives: to create and validate a serial album for Pressure Ulcer prevention in the hospital environment. Methods: a methodological study with the production of the serial album and validation by 22 judges and 22 patients. The content was based on the integrative review and the reports of the World Health Organization. It was considered a Content Validity Index equal to or greater than 80% in the items and the binomial test for the judges’ agreement. Results: the serial album entitled “Pressure Ulcer Prevention in the hospital environment” has 13 pages. In the content and layout validation, all items had an agreement above 80% among the participants. The overall Content Validity Index was 0.99 for the judges and 1.0 for the patients. Conclusions: the constructed and validated material presented itself as an adequate instrument to be used in health education activities.
