Silicone-rich syringes can cause granuloma-rich reactions in platelet-rich plasma injections
Casey Abrahams, BA,
Gustavo Barreto Melo, MD,
Carlos Gustavo Wambier, MD, PhD
Casey Abrahams, BA
Department of Dermatology, Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
Gustavo Barreto Melo, MD
Hospital de Olhos de Sergipe, Aracaju-SE, Brazil; Department of Ophthalmology, Federal University of São Paulo, São Paulo-SP, Brazil
Carlos Gustavo Wambier, MD, PhD
Department of Dermatology, Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island; Correspondence to: Carlos Gustavo Wambier, MD, PhD, Department of Dermatology, Rhode Island Hospital, 593 Eddy St, APC Bldg, 10th Floor, Providence, RI 02903