Tecnología, Ciencia y Educación (May 2015)

MOOCs. A new model of e-learning in the current educational system

  • Rosabel Roig Vila,
  • Sereza de Fernández Rico

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 1, no. 1
pp. 46 – 52


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Education is framed within the characteristics of the current society, where internet is the means through which new educational approaches are being implemented. MOOCs are thus being established as a new way of learning in the current context, especially in tertiary education. This work addresses this new term to analyze its meaning, features and main virtual platforms providing them, on the one hand; and the issues needed to be solved in order to set up a new e-learning model, on the other hand. It can be concluded that this new model must be fully compatible with the planification of the education policy and curricular analysis.
