Учёные записки Казанского университета: Серия Естественные науки (Sep 2019)
Comprehensive morphophysiological description of the immune lysosomal cationic protein of leukocytes in the early ontogeny of broiler chickens
Cationic proteins (CP) in the lysosomes of polymorphonuclear leukocytes were identified using the cytochemical reaction according to M.G. Shubitch and the leucogram as suggested by A. Pappenheim – in the smear samples made from the whole blood of broiler chickens of the Hubbard ISA F15 cross (all chickens were divided into four groups (n = 10) depending on their age (P1, P7, P23, and P42): days 1, 7, 23, and 42 of postnatal ontogeny) of the industrial herd. Morphological changes in the lysosomes with cationic proteins were characterized. Complex morphophysiological criteria of the cationic proteins were calculated based on the formulas from the literature and those proposed by us for the microphotographs of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (a total of 855 microphotographs were analyzed). Thus, during the first ten days, from P1 to P7, a significant increase in the monocyte content was registered – up to 348.84%, p < 0.05. The second peak in the number of monocytes was observed from P23 to P42 – up to 200%, p < 0.05. From P7 to P23, a significant decrease took place in the indices showing the ratio of granulocytes with degranulated and decationized lysosomal granules of CP (DEG/DECGrI) by 349.86% – from 24.35 ? 19.07 conv. units up to 6.96 ? 4.75 conv. units – and the level of degranulation and decationization of lysosomal granules in CP of granulocytes (DEG/DECV) by 278.57% – from 12.48 ? 9.49 conv. units to 4.48 ? 3.18 conv. units. From P7 to P23, the most active use of cationic proteins over the entire P1–P42 period occurred: based on of the cell fill factor (CFF) and, especially, the integral cytochemical index (ICI) that decreased from P1 to P7 by 208.32% – from 171.51 ? 37.71 conv. units to 82.33 ? 20.85 conv. units p < 0.05. In the period from P23 to P42, a statistically significant increase in DEG/DECGrI by 496.41% – from 6.96 ? 4.75 conv. units up to 34.55 ? 5.71 conv. units, p < 0.01 – and DEG/DECV by 562.95% – from 4.48 ? 3.18 conv. units up to 25.22 ? 6.88 conv. units p < 0.05 – was registered. With the relatively stable CP consumption from P23 to P42, the mean cytochemical coefficient (MCC) in this period decreased by 25.29% – from 2.18 ? 0.16 conv. units up to 1.74 ? 0.14 conv. units, p < 0.05. In addition, the parity of CP concentration actively recovered to the level of P1; the ICI value from P23 to P42 increased by 181.86% – from 93.82 ? 15.67 conv. units up to 170.62 ? 21.99 conv. units, p < 0.01. This can be considered as one of the links in the restoration and maintenance of the homeostasis of nonspecific immunity. The complex data obtained by us on the age dynamics of cationic proteins in the early ontogeny of broiler chickens can serve as a basis for further development and testing of probiotics and other pharmaceutical preparations for poultry with direct action.