Hortus Botanicus (Nov 2014)
Geographic Information System arboretum garden of Sochi "Dendrarium"
Program is designed to monitoring of arboretum collections. It has features that take into account the specifics of such collections: a period of survival new plantings, change dendrometric and phytosanitary characteristics of woody plants with age, the need to analyze the causes of mortality. Geobaza includes three magazines to track for living collection, landings and removing plants. Each magazine is represented on the map by three layers: single specimens, hedgerows and groups. Tables of landings and removing plants magazines contain dendrometric and cartographic information for each object. The living collection magazine dendrometric information is stored in separate tables. It allows to save data about changes that occur during the lifetime of plants. Geobaza stores information about date of planting, sapling age, the taxonomic name, the identifier of introduction specimens , the lawn of growth, plant life-form, trunk diameter, plant height, size, crown, decoration, phytosanitary condition, damage by diseases and pests, the date and the age removing. Program's taxonomic dictonary keeps names of families, species, infraspecific taxa and cultivars of plants. It's based on plant taxonomic database "Plant List", which freely accessible at http://www.theplantlist.org. Dictonary allows to edit the name and systematic position of taxon, the conservation status according by IUCN Red Data Book, Red Books Russia and the Krasnodar Territory, allows writing floristic regions, habitats and rank uniqueness at Sochi region. The advantages of using ArcGIS software are visualization, quick search taxons and plants, getting information on the taxonomic and quantitative composition of the collection, tracking taxa remaining in a single copy, printing maps necessary scale. The program allows you to automatically generate a collection catalog, list of lawns, which grows taxon, sheets landings and removing plants, reports on the taxonomic structure of families and other. GIS technology is a perspective direction in the conduct of collections of botanical gardens. They provide new tools for the analysis and monitoring of botanical collections.