Актуальні питання суспільних наук та історії медицини (Nov 2017)


  • Олександр СИЧ

Journal volume & issue
no. 4 (16)
pp. 58 – 61


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Сыч Александр. Метаморфозы одного понятия. Цель исследования. В статье рассматривается эволюция такого понятия как «революция» в академическом и общественном дискурсе в контексте политических и социокультурных трансформаций ХХ - первых десятилетий ХХI вв. Основными методами исследования, кроме общенаучного, включающего анализ и синтез, индукцию и дедукцию, были исторический, основанный на принципе историзма, икомпаративный. Научная новизна. Автор впервые проследил, как менялось отношение к понятию «революция» в последние десятилетия, а также указал как данное понятие используется циничными политикамидляманипуляции общественным сознанием и мобилизации протестных настроений с целью смены политических режимов и правящих элит в ряде стран. Выводы. Автор подверг сомнению распространённый термин «бархатные революции» и раскрыл его неоднозначный характер, а также обратил внимание - на примере «цветных революций» -на участившуюся практику псевдореволюций, обесценивающих само понятие «революция», которое в сознании многих поколений людей обычно ассоциируется с борьбой за свободу и справедливость.Sych Alexandr. The Metamorphosis of the one concept. Research objective.In article evolution of such concept as "revolution" in the academic and public discourse in the context of political and sociocultural transformations of XX - the first decades of the 21st centuries is considered. Main methods of research.There should be mentioned,except general scientific method (including the analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction)such as the historical method, based on the principle of historicism, and comparativeone. Scientific novelty.For the first timethe author has tracked as the relation to the concept "revolution" in the last decades changed and also has specified as this concept is used by cynical politicians for manipulation with public consciousness and mobilization of protest moods for the purpose of change of political regimes and ruling elites in a number of countries. It should be noted that up to the late 20th century there were traced two tendencies concerning the phenomenon of revolution. It goes without saying that the socialist countries were heavily involved in the revolutions and, relevantly, evaluated them as a definitely progressive phenomenon – «engines of history». Simultaneously, the Western countries strongly opposed revolutions; what is more, they conducted special investigations to prevent their occurrence. Since the late 1980’s the situation began to radically change both in the former Soviet Union and the West. Furthermore, this concept has shifted to its positive essence; let’s take the example of «Velvet Revolutions». It would be dubious to categorize so-called «color revolutions» as true ones, since they were applied as specific technologies to oust unwanted leaders or political regimes (including organizing coups) in addition to introducing the Western political and economic model. They are considered to be pseudo-revolutions, which applied only rhetoric, symbols, mass mobilization and other trappings of the revolution, without making any drastic social and economic changes in the society. Regrettably, contemporary political technologists cynically abuse people’s sincere aspirations for freedom and justice, which are closely associated with the concept of «revolution». Therefore, the well-known American sociologist and political scientist, one of the leading authorities on the study of revolutions, Jack A. Goldstone many years ago wrote: «The belief in revolutions as a symbol of rebirth and liberation remains a powerful political force». Conclusions.The author has called in question the widespread term "velvet revolutions" and has disclosed his ambiguous character and also has paid attention - on the example of "color revolutions" - to the frequent practice of the pseudo-revolutions that depreciate the concept "revolution" which in the minds of many generations of people usually is associated with fight for freedom and justice.Sych Alexandr. The Metamorphosis of the one concept. Research objective.In article evolution of such concept as "revolution" in the academic and public discourse in the context of political and sociocultural transformations of XX - the first decades of the 21st centuries is considered. Main methods of research.There should be mentioned,except general scientific method (including the analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction)such as the historical method, based on the principle of historicism, and comparativeone. Scientific novelty.For the first timethe author has tracked as the relation to the concept "revolution" in the last decades changed and also has specified as this concept is used by cynical politicians for manipulation with public consciousness and mobilization of protest moods for the purpose of change of political regimes and ruling elites in a number of countries. It should be noted that up to the late 20th century there were traced two tendencies concerning the phenomenon of revolution. It goes without saying that the socialist countries were heavily involved in the revolutions and, relevantly, evaluated them as a definitely progressive phenomenon – «engines of history». Simultaneously, the Western countries strongly opposed revolutions; what is more, they conducted special investigations to prevent their occurrence. Since the late 1980’s the situation began to radically change both in the former Soviet Union and the West. Furthermore, this concept has shifted to its positive essence; let’s take the example of «Velvet Revolutions». It would be dubious to categorize so-called «color revolutions» as true ones, since they were applied as specific technologies to oust unwanted leaders or political regimes (including organizing coups) in addition to introducing the Western political and economic model. They are considered to be pseudo-revolutions, which applied only rhetoric, symbols, mass mobilization and other trappings of the revolution, without making any drastic social and economic changes in the society. Regrettably, contemporary political technologists cynically abuse people’s sincere aspirations for freedom and justice, which are closely associated with the concept of «revolution». Therefore, the well-known American sociologist and political scientist, one of the leading authorities on the study of revolutions, Jack A. Goldstone many years ago wrote: «The belief in revolutions as a symbol of rebirth and liberation remains a powerful political force». Conclusions.The author has called in question the widespread term "velvet revolutions" and has disclosed his ambiguous character and also has paid attention - on the example of "color revolutions" - to the frequent practice of the pseudo-revolutions that depreciate the concept "revolution" which in the minds of many generations of people usually is associated with fight for freedom and justice.
