Education Policy Analysis Archives (May 2020)
Indigenous peoples, state and university: Tensions, opportunities and challenges. The case of the School of Indigenous Languages (Metropolitan Region, Chile)
This work problematizes the relationship between University, Indigenous Peoples and the State based on a community experience aimed at revitalizing four of Chile’s most dynamic indigenous languages (Aymara, Quechua, Rapa Nui and Mapudungun). On this occasion, the voices from indigenous students and teachers, State officials, and academics are brought together and find, from their differences, tensions and approximations in a collaborative project that gathers understanding and lessons learnt from this educational experience. This article’s main objective is to analyze the perceptions of the three actors mentioned in this joint initiative, emphasizing the following scopes: a) purposes and meanings; and b) characteristics of the relationship between actors. The main findings explain problematic junctions and key aspects regarding joint action, particularly, opportunities and challenges for the configuration of new relational spaces.