Revista Cubana de Cirugía (Dec 1996)
Tiopental sódico en pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica y sin esta: Estudio comparativo
Se revisaron 56 expedientes clínicos con los protocolos de anestesiología de 26 pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica (IRC) y de 30 pacientes considerados sanos. Fueron variables para estudio, edad, sexo, peso corporal en kilogramos, hemoglobina, tensiones arteriales sistólica y diastólica, frecuencia cardíaca, complicaciones posinducción y las dosis de tiopental sódico en miligramos por kilogramos. Se utilizó análisis de varianza. Fueron significativas las variaciones con p Fifty six medical histories with the anesthesiology protocols of 26 patients with chronic renal failure (CRF) and of 30 sound patients were reviewed. Age, sex, body weight in kg, haemoglobine, systolic and diastolic arterial tensions, heart rate, postinduction complications, and thiopental sodium doses in mg x kg were the variables used in this study. The variance analysis was used. Variations with p < 0,05 were significant. The sample was divided into patients without CRF (group I) and with CRF (group II). There were no differences between the thiopental sodium anesthetic doses of both groups (4,59 + 3,88 mg/kg, group I and 5,89 + 4,15 mg/kg, group II). Arterial tension descended more in patients from group II as a result of anesthesia induction. This variation did not mean a greater incidence of hypotension between both groups (16,6 % in I and 15,3 % in II). It is concluded that in our enviroment the necessary dose of thiopental sodium to induce anesthesia in patients with and without CRF was not statistically different. However, the fal of arterial tensions was more important in group II. It is recommended to take more precaution in the administration of thiopental sodium to these patients