Yönetim ve Ekonomi (Sep 2021)
Dış Ticaret ve Göç İlişkisi: İtalya ve İspanya Örneği(Relationship between Foreign Trade and Migration: The Case of Italy and Spain)
We live in a highly dynamic world where migration is inevitable and multidimensional. Although the theories developed to understand the processes of international migration and the assumptions and hypotheses of each perspective are not inherently contradictory, they have very different implications for policy implementation. Countries are different, and what works best for one country may not work for another. This study, which aims to examine the relationship between foreign trade and migration in Italy and Spain, covers the period between 1990 and 2018. The data of the study were compiled by using the databases of the European Statistical Office (Eurostat) and the World Bank (World Bank) According to the results of the study, import and export in Italy is the Granger cause of migration. In Spain, on the other hand, immigration is the Granger cause of both exports and imports. In addition to the immigration phenomenon for Spain, Granger was found to be the reason for imports in exports. The long-term validity of the results within the scope of the study was tested with the help of Engle-Granger Cointegration analysis and a long-term relationship was accepted.