Sociální Pedagogika (Nov 2014)
Pedagogues in the conditions of integration education
Children and pupils with special educational needs are becoming increasingly integrated into the mainstream educational process. In reality, there may be situations where during their education students with special needs come into contact with pedagogues who do not have the required specific competences. The aim of this paper is not only to describe briefly the conditions for integrated education, but also to summarize the requirements and support the staff needs in order to work more effectively on the basis of the respondents‘ concerns. Morevoer, the concerns of the pedagogues working in integrated educationwere analyzed by using qualitative tufts. The results of the analysis were related to the teachers‘ social conditions. The proposed support activities are divided according to the possible forms of preparation and follow-up support. The results and recommendations are based on the practical experience acquired during the praparationof students in Social Pedagogy at St. Cyril and Methodius Theological Faculty of the Palacky University in Olomouc.