St. Petersburg Polytechnical University Journal: Physics and Mathematics (Mar 2021)
Cross-property connections between Young's modulus and diffusion coefficient of two-phase composite
The paper interrelates changes in the effective elastic and diffusion properties of a two-phase composite caused by inhomogeneities. The correlation is based on similarities between the microstructural parameters in whose terms the effective properties are to be expressed. The composite is supposed to contain inhomogeneities of identical shape. Explicit cross-property connections for a general case of an anisotropic material are derived. The segregation effect, that is a constant jump in concentration of particles of the solute flux at the matrix/inhomogeneity interface, is taken into account. The derived cross-property connections allow to express one property in terms of the other. A detail information about the microstructure is not needed. The paper verifies the obtained cross-property connections for the case of an isotropic material with pores. The derived approximate correlations are compared with exact ones that interrelate changes in effective properties of a material with a known microstructure.